

Shincha AOTE (80g/2.82oz)


 Out of Stock

Nickname Dominique San   (Canada)
Review The dry leaves have a rather strong umami fragrance, reminding me of fresh cut grass. Once infused, I found that the taste is more toward the sweetness, the umami being stronger than the shibuyi (bitterness). I infuse most of my senchas and shinchas for 30-45 seconds only and that could explain some of the taste I get when it’s ready. I like my shinchas to be sweet; when I want a bitter tea, I go for fukamushi or mecha. This tea is one of the best shincha I had in a long time. After my first cup, I went back to their website to order more but it was already sold out. I’ll know for next year and order more the first time.
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 5 of 5 Stars!
Date June 23, 2014

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