

Organic Sencha Premium (100g/3.53oz)


Author valeska nikolitsch   (Germany)
Review the organic sencha Premium tea is a great tea;already when you open its tea bag,you taste the smell of a bright and sunny summer at and on the sea ... when you prepare it with 3-4 spoons in a tea pot with 1litre ,and let it for 4 or even 5 minutes in the pot ,it becomes very green and the wind and the smell of the sea goes into the drink and converts there to an incomparable sweet taste which gives you strength and joy for the whole day ...
it is wonderful,that there exists a tea farm in Kyoto: hibiki- an,where this old and prestigious tea tradition is continued until today and even for an affordable price
with many thanks for this fine tea and my best wishes for the next harvest
Valeska Nikolitsch, Dusseldorf
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 5 of 5 Stars!
Date July 12, 2009

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