
Gyokuro Superior (200g/7.05oz)


Nickname FrankTee   (United States)
Review The tea was excellent and I have been drinking Gyokuro daily for many years. But I was especially pleased with the care and attention to detail put into the packaging.

The packed box was like a piece of art. Every space accounted for, decorative paper to wrap and fill spaces. Then the tea packages themselves were so tidy. The entire unboxing was an experience all by itself.

Very authentic and exactly true to form for the wonderful Japanese culture; harmonious, care on the smallest of details, and obvious effort to make the package feel like a gift from the hands of a person who did not throw things in a box, but placed them carefully and with purpose.

I will post a picture on my next shipment. I was so taken aback I forgot to take one.
Thank you!
Very bad...Bad...Very bad...Ordinary...Good... 5 of 5 Stars!
Date November 15, 2022

Verified Purchase
