
Shincha Gyokuro (80g/2.82oz)

Now available
This item is limited edition of 1,200 packages only available at this harvest season.

The Shincha harvest has long been regarded as a moment of celebration in Japan. Each year, people look forward to this special springtime harvest. Today, people from around the world can enjoy Shincha direct from our tea farm. Traditionally, Gyokuro is aged for several months after harvest to gain a more complex, enriched flavor. However, recently, Shincha Gyokuro has become a popular way to enjoy Gyokuro. Shincha Gyokuro is made from freshly-harvested tea leaves, direct from the tea farm. It is not aged over time, like traditional Gyokuro. We at Hibiki-an have received many requests for Shincha Gyokuro. And at last we have arranged to sell Shincha Gyokuro separately from our regular Gyokuro items, so our customers can try this fresh new style of green tea.

All of our regular Gyokuro items are grown under diffused sunlight for 20 to 30 days before harvest. However, our Shincha Gyokuro is grown under diffused sunlight for a shorter time, 15 to 18 days in order to create the smooth, mellow taste, characteristic of Gyokuro, while retaining a refreshing aroma characteristic of Shincha. Therefore, the harvest timing of this item is about 7 to 12 days later than usual Shincha Sencha, and earlier than regular Gyokuro. In the tea industry, it is called "Kabuse Cha".

The breed of tea for this item is "Gokoh". Known for its smooth and mellow taste, "Gokoh" tea leaves make excellent Gyokuro. We produce our Shincha Gyokuro using "Gokoh" tea leaves in order to create the mellow taste of Gyokuro.
The tea farm where the tea leaves are grown is located in mountain ravines, a location suitable for the highest grade Sencha. The misty climate, sloping hills, warm days and cool nights create the refreshing aroma of Shincha.

With our Shincha Gyokuro you can enjoy both the refreshing aroma of Shincha and the mellow smooth taste of Gyokuro in one cup of tea.
Enjoy the superb harmony of refreshing aroma and smooth, mellow taste of this special tea. Anyone who enjoys Gyokuro is sure to love this tea, available only this spring harvest season.


This item is specially finished, with the drying kept to a minimum so that you will be able to fully enjoy Shincha's refreshing aroma and flavor. So, once you open the package, the tea leaves are easy to change in quality. Please use up as soon as possible.

A Tip to Enjoy Shincha Gyokuro

You can brew Shincha Gyokuro in two ways. One way will enhance the refreshing aroma, while the other will enhance the mellow taste.

1. Brew for Refreshing Aroma (same with brewing regular Sencha): For two cups
- Tea leaves: 1 1/2 tablespoons (7 - 8g)
- Water temperature: 176F (80C)
- Amount of water: 7.03fl oz (200mL)
- Waiting time: 1 min.

2. Brew for Mellow Taste (same with brewing regular Gyokuro): For two cups
- Tea leaves: 1 1/2 tablespoons (7 - 8g)
- Water temperature: 158F (70C)
- Amount of water: 7.03fl oz (200mL)
- Waiting time: 1 1/2 - 2 min.

Customer Review

No. Author Country Rating Read Date Added
01. Mike Z Canada
204 06/24/2023
02. Jordan Belville United States
275 06/11/2023
03. Rob United States
184 06/09/2023
04. Robert Durlak United States
538 06/29/2022
05. Vyd Viet Nam
720 06/27/2021
06. iidabashi metro United States
1167 06/09/2021
07. ken pellman United States
1234 06/15/2020
08. Bao Nguyen Canada
2097 06/30/2017
09. iidabashi metro United States
3322 07/02/2016
10. Miriam United States
2607 06/27/2016

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