
Blended Sencha Super Premium (80g/2.82oz)

This item is the limited edition of 850 packages only available this winter season.

Blended Sencha Super Premium is a blend of Ohiwase and Meiryoku breeds of green tea. Both breeds of tea leaves are grown in shade for 5 to 7 days before harvest in order to bring out the sweet and mellow taste. Blended Sencha Super Premium is more sweet and mellow than basic Sencha, characteristic of Gyokuro. But, it has a more refreshing aroma than Gyokuro, characteristic of Sencha. When brewed, this tea is a noble shade of green like Gyokuro. (For more information concerning Blended Sencha, please read 'What is Blended Sencha' page by clicking here .)

Ohiwase and Meiryoku breeds originally have a deep sweet and mellow taste like Gyokuro. Though most breeds of green tea have an element which can produce an astringent aroma, Ohiwase and Meiryoku are rare breeds which do not have this element and are never astringent. The character is accentuated by shading the tea leaves from sunlight just before harvest. Both are early-ripening breeds and have a subtle and delicate character which is a feature of an early-ripening breed.
Ohiwase and Meiryoku are both suitable breeds for Sencha, so they have not only mellow taste but also the refreshing aroma of Sencha. In order to create the refreshing aroma of Sencha, these tea leaves are grown in shade for 5 to 7 days, whereas Gyokuro is grown in shade for 20 to 30 days.

These tea leaves are sprouts that are small and soft and not full grown. They are difficult to find even in Ichibancha, the first pick of the year. Although generally the best time to gather tea leaves is when the tea tree has five sprouts, these tea leaves are gathered when the tea tree has only two to three sprouts. So, you can enjoy the precious fresh aroma which is found only on young tea leaves.

If you like a subtle smooth taste and soft aroma, you should try Blended Sencha Super Premium. We are certain you will enjoy it!





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Features of This Tea

Mellow Aroma
Refreshing Aroma
Roasted Aroma
  • 'Ohiwase' and 'Meiryoku' Breeds


There are two ways to brew Blended Sencha. We recommend you brew Blended Sencha in the same way as regular Sencha, to enjoy both the refreshing aroma of Sencha and the smooth, mellow flavor of Gyokuro. Another way to enjoy Blended Sencha is to brew longer for even more of a soft and mellow taste. In this case, we recommend you brew the tea using water of a slightly lower temperature for a little longer time.

1. Brewing process (for 2 cups)
- Tea leaves: 1 1/2 tablespoons (7 - 8g)
- Water temperature: 176F (80C)
- Amount of water: 7.03fl oz (200mL)
- Waiting time: 1 min.

2. Brewing more of a soft and mellow taste
For a more soft and mellow taste, we recommend you brew Blended Sencha using water of a slightly lower temperature 158F (70C) for 1 1/2 minutes.

Customer Review

No. Author Country Rating Read Date Added
01. Rudi Hermawan Indonesia
703 01/06/2023
02. katherine snelson United States
2766 01/20/2016
03. Richard H United States
3382 01/22/2014
04. Norma Coates Canada
3181 01/14/2012
05. Rebekah Mullaney United States
4883 01/25/2007

Current Reviews: 5 

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