Iced Houjicha

(For Iced Houjicha, we highly recommend our "Houjicha". "Organic Houjicha", "Houjicha Karigane", or "Teabag Houjicha." You can order "Houjicha" by clicking the In Cart button below.)

(NOTE) This page is NOT for order page, but only to share a recipe.

For Iced Houjicha, we highly recommend using our Houjicha, Organic Houjicha, Houjicha Karigane and Teabag Houjicha.

Iced Houjicha is made from roasted green tea called Houjicha, which is also known as Bancha. Traditionally, tea farmers exhausted from working in hot summer weather would take a break and enjoy Iced Houjicha. First, they would boil water and tea in a kettle. Then they would cool it off by submerging the kettle of tea in a nearby brook. In fact, most everyone in Japan, not just farmers, traditionally enjoyed Iced Houjicha in the summer season. Houjicha hardly contains Caffeine but it does contain beneficial Catechin. Also Houjicha is a good affordable everyday tea. Iced Houjicha is a source of health for farmers in the hot summer season.

(How to make Iced Houjicha)

(1) Traditional Japanese farmer's recipe
- Boil water in a large kettle (about 2 liters)
- Pour a cup of Houjicha tea leaves into the kettle and boil for 2 minutes.
- After cooling it a little, fully chill the tea in the refrigerator.

(2) Brewing by using Kyusu (teapot)
- Place 7to 8g (3 tablespoons) of Houjicha tea leaves into the Kyusu.
- Pour 200ml (7.04fl oz) of boiling temperature of water into the Kyusu.
- Wait for 1 minute. You'll want to brew the tea quite strongly because later the thawed ice will weaken the flavor.
- Pour tea from the Kyusu into each glass filled with pieces of ice to cool the tea quickly. Pour alternately little by little, so that the quantity and taste of the tea is equal in each glass.

Customer Review

No. Author Country Rating Read Date Added
01. Paul Harris United States
7119 07/25/2009

Current Reviews: 1 

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