
Link To Us

  Exchanging links will boost the popularity of both our websites and also bring good targeted traffic. We are willing to exchange links especially with websites related to Japanese Culture, Tea, Health and Beauty, and Gifts.

If you have a related site and are interested in exchanging links with us, please first place our link. Then let us know your link information with the URL of the page where our link is located. After we verify the placement of our link, we will add your link to our website, usually within 72 hours.

Linking to us is easy. Just copy and paste this code onto your website.
<a href = ""> Japanese Green Tea Hibiki-an </a> :
Genuine Japanese green tea are directly delivered anywhere around the world from Japan. We are proud of our quality and value, because we also have our tea farm in Uji, kyoto, Japan, the birthplace of Japanese green tea.
Title = Japanese Green Tea Hibiki-an
Description = Genuine Japanese green tea are directly delivered anywhere around the world from Japan. We are proud of our quality and value, because we also have our tea farm in Uji, kyoto, Japan, the birthplace of Japanese green tea.
  If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us. (Visit to "Contact us" page.)

Please note: We reserve the right to refuse to trade with any site that we feel offensive and inappropriate content.